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Deer Richmond - We Love You

2015-05-14 18 0 Vimeo

"Deer Richmond" like many other of my films, derives from the inspiration of the beautiful location it's self. It's one of my favourite places to go during the summer in the UK, and I finally made a short piece about it! It took two days of shooting to gather the footage needed to put together what you see above. All shot in Canon C-LOG (Cinema-LOG) Picture Profile at 5600K WB. Graded with James Miller's DELUTS @ www.deluts.com and tweaked with RGB curves. 15-30% Sharpening Applied all within Adobe Premiere CC. Gear; Canon C100 Mark II Canon 300mm F4 IS L (NO IS WAS USED) Canon 2X TC (Teleconverter) Mark I Canon 17-40mm F4 Canon 24-105mm F4 Miller Compass12 Miller 2-st Carbon Solo Legs Contact; info@charlielocke.com www.charlielocke.com www.twitter.com/_charlielocke www.facebook.com/charlielockephotography