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The Beauty of "The Death of an Alley"

2011-02-08 4 0 Vimeo

I made a video a few weeks ago called "The Beauty of an Alley". Basically i just went out and shot an alley to show there can be beauty in the simplest of things. Just the other day, I drove past the very spot that I filmed the video to find it was being torn down. Its sad that most of the places near where i live that have cultural heritage and are just cool old looking buildings are being torn down so that we can update our city with structures like parking lots and banks. Anyway, I rushed home and grabbed my camera as quickly as i could beofe i had to go to work and before the buildings would be completely demolished even tho the weather with windchill was around 20 degrees below zero. This is the reason for some of the terrible camera shake, I was not able to keep my fingers and hands steady from all of the shivering. Also i was so cold that i was kind of in a rush to get back into my warm car. I left with almost frostbitten fingers and toes but it was worth it. I tried to capture most of the same angles I got before but this time incorporate the destruction involved. Kind of a before and after of what i once considered objects worth filming cause they had some "personality" to them but now will no longer be. Im sure this will just end up being a parking lot for our hospitals. That sucks. But at least i could capture some beauty of it even in its last stages of life. I used Mazzy Star for both montages because she complimented them so greatly and i wanted that to be somewhat consistent as well.