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"Red River, Straw Hat" Scott King

2007-06-17 9 0 Vimeo

Scott King stopped in for a visit and played a number of live tunes , this tune "Red River Straw Hat" was the next to last track he left us with which is a new track that isn't even on the newest recording "Inside Your Head" Which he released this week! ( He actually did a few of these surprise tracks), Scott is a very articulate player and singer songwriter. The tune's title come from being @ a festival with his wife in Colorado where there was a red river and a whole mess of straw hats. Scott's @ http://www.scottkingmusic.com/ Again this clip the board sound (what went out over the air not the camera sound.) dropped on to and synched to the clip. This was shot and recorded by yours truly and posted to vimeo with the artist's permission. (thanks Scott!)