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The Rocketeer 20th anniversary

2011-06-14 1,865 0 Vimeo

- HOMMAGE TO DAVE STEVENS - "rocketeer 20th anniversary" fanfilm HOW COOL WOULD IT BE TO SEE THIS AS A TV SHOW ?! wanna see & read a bit more ? => http://bigfanboy.com/wp/?p=8051 "I laughed, I cried. Dave would have loved this wonderful hommage that totally captures the warmth, action and humor of his creation. Thank you for making this!" William Stout - http://www.williamstout.com/ Dave would have been impressed. It should be a televison series! Paul De Meo - Rocketeer co-writer & co-screenwriter http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0210290/ I was fairly close with Dave (we worked together on a number of projects) and I know he would have dug this... Scott Shaw