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Vasulka Kitchen Live #6

2020-05-30 0 0 Vimeo

Petr Válek lives and works in Loučná nad Desnou in Hrubý Jeseník. This little town located in the former Sudetenland used to be called Vízmberk, or Wiesenberg. Petr Válek, born in 1976, trained as a stonemason and worked as a nurse in a home for the elderly. He currently lives as a practising artist. Since his childhood, Válek has worked vehemently on his creative activities, which include painting, drawing, book illustration, and music. Although definitely not Válek’s first exhibition, Figments (and other stuff) is probably the first attempt to present the wide scope of his creativity and work. The ambience of Válek's studio, stacked with an assemblage of organically and chaotically placed books, drawings, tubes of paint, paintings (both hung and not), along with his computer — which he uses to animate his virtual travels through marvelous dreamy landscapes, the inspiration for which he finds in the deep forest hillsides of the Jeseníky — is presented. https://www.vasulkakitchen.org/en/petr-valek-figments-and-other-stuff