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Ode to My Son

2021-02-04 0 0 Vimeo

Ode to My Son Daniel Bradish (2019/05/12) A song I wrote for my youngest son. _______________________ You are my treasure; you are God's gift that I longed for I want you with me, always by my side Know that you're loved and know that you're special; Yes, you are May you never forget, hold it deep inside Never unloved and never rejected | I'm with you May you never feel alone without a friend You are not broken, you're not a mistake; Know it's true You are beautiful and you don't have to pretend The sound of your laughter Makes my heart smile once again Just like the first time Where does it go when it Disappears without a trace? Where are you seeking? Where are you hiding? What is found? Don't forget our purpose, God we glorify All that you need and all that you want is found in Him Nothing else in this whole world will satisfy Don't live life trying to be someone or something you know that you're not Your one true identity is only found in Him If I could tell you just one thing If I had only one last word I'd say Seek first His kingdom And everything you need will find you All your needs, He'll place them in your hand Seek first His righteousness No worries and nothing lacking Take in all the joy that's waiting