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Aesthetic Clinic in Bhubaneswar Odisha - Best Lady Dermatologist in bhubaneswar odisha

2022-07-06 0 0 Vimeo

Wash your skin twice a day (morning and before bed) with a mild soap-free cleanser such as Purpose®, Basis®, or Neutrogena® to remove oil. Wash your face after you exercise as oil builds up and can clog pores. Wash your face well after you come in contact with oils or grease such as working in a fast food restaurant. To help prevent pimples, it's important to remove excess oil, dirt, and sweat daily. Washing your face more than twice a day may make acne worse, however. Don't wash your face with harsh cleansers that dry skin. Use an alcohol-free cleanser. Visit Us - https://www.hairtransplantclinicbhubaneswar.com/