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Polarstern fast forward (icebreaker timelapse)

2013-12-27 15 0 Vimeo

A timelapse movie shot in the Antarctic on board icebreaker RV Polarstern during expedition ANT-XXIX/2 in 2012/2013. We traveled from Capetown towards the German research base Neumayer, located on the shelf ice at the the edge of Antarctica. From there we crossed the Weddell sea and arrived at our final destination Capetown after almost 3 month. During the expedition our several oceanographic, biological and geological research projects were observed by curious penguins, seals and whales. For more information visit the ships website or read the weekly reports here: http://www.awi.de/en/infrastructure/ships/polarstern/weekly_reports/all_expeditions/ant_xxix/ant_xxix2/ Music: "Nothing to fear" by Dexter Britain available under creative commons NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. Thank you Dexter! http://dexterbritain.co.uk/