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DC Metro Video Showcases Dangerous Drunken Mishaps

2014-01-02 376 Dailymotion

DC metro authorities released surveillance clips from stations to highlight what happens if you get intoxicated and decide to use the transit system.

While it’s commonly known that intoxicated people should never get behind the wheel of a vehicle, newly released footage shows public transportation is a bad idea as well.

DC metro authorities posted surveillance clips from stations to highlight what happens if you get intoxicated and decide to use the transit system.

The footage shows a handful of people who were shaky on their feet or heavily leaning against a wall prior to falling. In several incidents, metro passengers fell over the sidewall of moving escalators.

In another occurence, a woman is shown stumbling forward and backwards. With each step, she has trouble keeping and regaining balance, proving she was indeed under the influence.

She makes her way over to the edge of the platform in what appears to be an effort to check for incoming trains, but she fell right off the side, landing on the tracks.

All of the incidents occurred within the past few months. Fortunately, everyone shown in the video survived the horrific falls. A transit spokesperson urged all drunken partiers who are unsteady on their feet to take a cab home.