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Grace Hays - Darkness Surrounds

2014-06-12 8 Dailymotion

the darkness surrounds me
i am no longer a merciful angel
i have become a demon of sorts
and i love to prowl around in the dark
a little imp to some
but always a prankster with a devilish grin
i can't help what i do
for i love to play with fire
the darkness surrounds as i search
the nearby woods for some witch
that i can have my way with
for i know that she is so like me
in loving the darkness
that hides our fun from prying eyes
we play hide and seek for hours
until she tires of that game
and lets me catch her
then it is onto chasing each other
naked through the trees
on our way to the secret love nest
where she will let only me touch her
for the darkness surrounds us
every night when we come out to play
for though i miss being an angel of mercy
the fun that i have as a demon
is so much better
because the darkness surrounds me

Grace Hays
