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Télécharger Dead Rising 3 Free Steam Keys Gratuit French

2014-08-22 10 Dailymotion

Dead Rising 3 Free Steam Keys PC Version

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Taking place a decade after the events of Dead Rising 2, a zombie outbreak occurs in Los Perdidos, CA. The world has changed since the last infectious outbreak. People no longer need to be concerned with Zombrex injections; everyone is chipped now, which keeps the infection from affecting them – except for the few who reject the government’s chipping process and instead prefer to live outside of the law securing doses of Zombrex. They prefer the uncertainty of Zombrex to being tracked by the government.

As the infection spreads across Los Perdidos, it left very few survivors. One of the survivors, Nick Ramos, was smart and crafty enough to figure out a way to fight the zombies effectively. Not only can he take out scores of undead, but he has the uncanny ability to mobilize the desperate and scared survivors to find a way out of Los Perdidos. They are under a time clock, though, because the military plans to bomb Los Perdidos to scour the city of infected. As Nick and the survivors plot their way out, he learns more about how deep the creation of the virus goes, the corruption of the military and how depraved people get when society breaks down.