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Teeth Grinding In Children, Treatment For Bruxism, Nighttime Teeth Grinding, Bruxism Definition

2015-02-17 41 Dailymotion

Teeth Grinding In Children, Treatment For Bruxism, Nighttime Teeth Grinding, Bruxism Definition


So what exactly is Bruxism?

Bruxism is where you grind your teeth when your are not aware of it.

This happens during the day but for most people it happens while they are asleep.

People who suffer from Bruxism also tend to clench their teeth, pushing their jaws together with incredible force.

Why is Bruxism bad for you?

Bruxism can have many short term and long term effects. Mentioned above are just some of the short-term effects of Bruxism.

If you have Bruxism and you let it go un-treated for many years then the results can often be irreversible.

NOW is the time to stop grinding your teeth, if you leave it too late the effects can be irreversible. click here.


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Teeth Grinding In Children, Treatment For Bruxism, Nighttime Teeth Grinding, Bruxism Definition
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