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South Korea ferry disaster: Last moments on capsized ferry caught on tape

2015-05-12 5 Dailymotion

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The father of a 17-year-old boy who died in the South Korea ferry sinking has released footage taken from his son's cell phone. The footage captures the last moments inside the vessel before the ship capsized.

Of the 325 high school students aboard the vessel that sank on April 15, more than 300 people died or is still missing.

In the video, the students start out laughing and joking with each other, not yet knowing the severity of the situation. They are seen huddled below deck, wondering if they'll make the news and discussing what they should do.

However, concern grows as the listing becomes worse.

In the video, a voice over the loudspeaker repeats a warning for passengers to stay where they are at least three times, even as the boat begins to tilt even more and it becomes improbable for the students to leave their cabins.

The video was taken on the cell phone of 17-year-old student Park Su-hyeon, when rescuers recovered his body.

The boy's father, Park Jong-dae, provided it to the media, saying he wanted to show the world the ship's condition as it sank.


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