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2015-06-19 3 Dailymotion

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Escapist News Now with Andrea Rene
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Blizzard made a blog posting about some of the changes they made to the gameplay of Hearthstone, their strategy card game.

Though they killed several decks in the recent update, don't expect these kind of changes to occur once the game goes live. Lead Designer Eric Dodds explained that they want to prevent single cards or decks from becoming dominant by introducing cards that counter them, stating, "If players find a really great deck, we'll try and slip some fun counters to that deck into the next expansion for you, instead of nerfing those cards directly."

There are six main reasons Blizzard cited for why they would change a card including that is causes confusion or isn't intuitive enough, it goes with a build or play style that's too strong, or the card is frustrating to play against just to name a few.

The blog posting went on to say, "We want the game to be about playing minions and fighting for board control rather than just waiting until you can play your big combo and win in one turn with no interaction from your opponent."


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