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Artist adds roadrunner and coyote to Acme Foundry in Minneapolis

2016-02-29 0 Dailymotion

Employees of Acme Foundry Company in Minneapolis showed up to work Monday morning to find some very appropriate graffiti on their entrance. Someone had placed a cardboard-based Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner, from the Looney Tunes cartoons, on each side of the door.\r
Business manager Monica Sweeney said Acmes employees all found it to be very humorous. In fact, they have thought about adding a roadrunner and coyote to their building for years, but a mystery artist beat them to it.\r
“We see and appreciate the humor,” Acme said in an email to Fox 9. “It is the best graffiti that anyone has ever done to our building.”\r
Acme Foundry produces gray and ductile iron pieces. The company is hoping to identify the artist to offer their thanks and have them help with the layout of some iron castings of the cartoon characters.\r
UPDATE: The artist came forward, but would like to remain anonymous. He has added an anvil to Acmes building and would like other companies to know there is more to come!