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Affaire De Griffonnage Des Photos Du Président Burundais Dans Les Manuels Scolaires Des Collégiens Sévèrement Punis

2016-06-28 1 Dailymotion

Yes ma'am, my husband walks on four legs with paws on the end of each of them.
[] 3somes :(
[] because reddit is heavily populated by virtue signalling low value manginas.
[] I'd like to see Polycarbonate, HDPE, UHMW
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[] Try and keep it in your pockets.
[] In one thousand years precisely,

The planets will align, ever so nicely.

The time to act will be at hand,

Unleash the Titans, your monstrous band.

Then the once proud Zeus will finally fall,

And you Hades will rule all!

But a word of caution to this tale:

Should Hercules fight, you will fail.
[] I think it was a mini series, so it would have been broken up into chunks
[] How is that unethical?
[] "How long is the footlong sandwich?"
[] I've always watched Top Gear every chance it was on (ALL THE TIME) because it's a great show. It irks me how the lines are obviously scripted but played off like natural witty banter. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about? This trailer was a prime example.
[] It is in Nevada there are legal brothels there such as the Mustang Ranch, the Bunny ranch and others
[] Layers of pain. And that kid passed all the way to the bottom.
[] Didn't do this...


It's pretty obvious he just wanted the alt symbol for the number, but when he couldn't describe it to you and you broke it to him about "upper case numbers" he probably decided it wasn't worth the effort.
[] Awwwwwww! I'm in love :)
[] Working term time only in education.

You get summer holidays as an adult, how glorious but then you can't afford to do anything in them because of the pro-rata pay.
[] what's your take on it? i'm an OR nurse on a transplant team, so i'm always interested in learning more about the subject
[] Still they hold no candle to the smaller breweries in Franconia but the Reinheitsgebot helps.
[] Fucking.

There are over 7 billion of us fuckers on the planet.
[] Imagine you're not part of the aggravated PC/Anti-PC fight. How would you like threads constantly devolving into "LOL TRIGGERED" "SOMEONE WILL CALL YOU RACIST LOL"?

It's complete and total shitposting in the viewpoint of everyone else, especially when it's not actually happening in the thread.

"Your" shittiness is not better than "their" shittiness. Try talking about the topic instead?
[] I guess im the only one who hasn't
[] And there's these people who yell "WHATS THE POINT OF PAYING $600 MONTH?!?!" I don't know sir. That's between you and your insurance.

Also, people need to stop thinking their doctor as a god. "But my doctor said..."
[] Problem is, even if Britain had an open door policy, people do not integrate.

We get black communities, Asian communities, they don't trust the police and politicians cause they are white. They want more foreign police and politicians yet their youth culture says that's a "white thing" you gotta be asian or BE black. You gotta stay true to your roots. Don't associate with white kids in school, foster those roots, keep them growing strong in a forest of white.

White people look in at this and see these "self segregated" communities as islands, pockets of mistrust intent of spreading their ways.

ALL of our inabilities to adapt are fostering these ever growing walls of mistrust. We as a people need to figure out how to work together how to TRULY integrate AND work together, instead of just opening the door and hoping for the best.
[] Downvotes for sharing what the actual game is currently like, whilst all of you wont even go near a pre-order until you find out what the game is like. Hypocrites lol
[] It definitely is
