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Ela Cometeu O Erro Que Muitos De Nós Comete O Que O Motociclista Lhe Faz Vai Te Deixar A Pensar

2016-06-28 5 Dailymotion

I really liked Green Day but calling themselves punkish rock and their album Revolution Radio while they promote their album with a dumbass app and their own fan club it's fucking ironic.
[] You're an envious petty person.
[] How is this Kanyes fault what the fuck is your problem
[] Wouldn't part of this be we're not necessarily selecting the strongest sperm? I mean, the sperm that makes it to the egg in normal fertilization theoretically has to be one of the stronger sperm. When you do IVF wouldn't the likelihood of it being a poorer sperm be higher?
[] I think he was trying to type "I was on the internet" and it inserted the "website." Extra "w" + the "as" after = "was."
[] Zooming in on the sign only to realize I don't speak German
[] Hi !
You said you missed the internet, does it mean that acces to it is -completely- forbidden for anyone ? Or is it just a restrected access ? If so, does no one try (or can) to bypass that ?

Thanks for the AmA : )
[] Microsoft Groove master race. Reporting in.
[] Our entanglement with the war in Syria is probably why. I wouldn't be surprised if they considered John Kerry for his efforts to negotiate a cease fire, but the US is dropping way too many bombs in the Middle East to give anyone in the Obama administration serious consideration.
[] Sounds like nightmare fuel
[] "How many slices of pizza come in a large?"
"...as many as you want."
[] I thought I filtered adviceanimals?
[] plot twist: they're all gay
[] That's what Jessie's for, bitch!
[] Not that I really know about Colombia, but in most cases the archetype for a post conflict transition includes incentives for the militarized group to step down and a truth and reconciliation commission rather than a Nuremberg style inquisition. Look at South Africa, Sierra Leone, Rwanda (to a lesser extent). The constant is that a lasting peace occurs when you align incentives properly and allow the fighters to reintegrate into society. You do have to let go of easy notions such as revenge. And yes sadly this involves giving pensions or support to the former militants. That's the cost of peace.
[] The storm trooper banging his head in Star Wars Ep. 4.

[] It's like I'm teleporting back to the 90's. Literally thought of this when I looked at it.
[] Want to know what this election has done to me? I swear to God I read that headline as "Trumpback Whale." God, I can't wait till Nov 8.
[] Oh, I don't disagree. But there's the usual, standard rich-douche way to retain money like dodgy investments and keeping your money in off-shore bank accounts... this is like a whole new level
[] A tonne is conveniently very close to a ton in mass.
[] also he has a guitar
[] Sometimes the best way in is the way out.
[] I always get the question "whatcha got for me?"

I always answer "A box!" really excitedly.

Also what up fellow UPSer
[] Spades and Pinochle, which is what I play, a much more complex game than Spades, which is too predictable. Hearts is a bit more fun, but you got guys in prison like masters of games. Something like chess, you might think you are good, but there are 50 year old karate chess masters in prison that will school you in ten moves every time, or draw the game out just to humiliate you.
[] It's like pixel art without a computer. It's cool. I did a bit of cross stitching when I was a kid.
