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UN warns aid supplies still not reaching Syria's besieged areas

2016-09-14 12 Dailymotion

The UN says large amounts of humanitarian aid have still not entered Syria three days after a nationwide ceasefire came into affect.

In the besieged city of Aleppo, the significant drop in violence saw people come out to visit the city’s markets and celebrate the festival of Eid.

But disagreements between warring sides and security fears are said to be holding up deliveries.

“We’re are happy and relaxed. With the planes, how could we go out for Eid? If there are planes, there’s no safety. Everybody is scared,” one woman in Aleppo said.

On the ground, the ceasefire is said to have largely held, though Russia’s military released footage appearing to show two of its soldiers coming under fire, backing up reports of sporadic violations.

Earlier on Wednesday, Moscow called for a 48-hour extension of the truce it brokered with the United States.

The UN says two of its supply convoys, each of around 20 trucks, are stuck after crossing the Turkish border. The Syrian government has been heavily criticised for trying to block the aid flows to Aleppo, but it has said they must be coordinated through itself and the UN.

Despite that, two trucks in the Turkish controlled northern Syrian town of Jarablus did get through on Wednesday, delivering food and toys.