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Mike Pence Leaves Stage To Hug Yearold Whose Father Is Terminally Ill

2016-10-05 3 Dailymotion

Either way it's a sub.
[] All the more reason to get out of the shower quicker.
[] As a paranoiac, I resemble this comment.
[] "Ooohh"

Too early


Too early

"OOOHHHHH, connection baby!"

Face saved
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[] 2.99% card fee
[] America specifically, abandoned the gold standard during Nixons presidency.

After WW2, the Breton Woods system was born wherein all currencies would be pegged to the US dollar, and the US dollar would be pegged to a specific amount of gold. This system was put in place to to help create currency stability, avoid competitive devaluations and other bad things that happen when currency wars start.

By 1971 Other countries holding large amounts of US cash reserves were wanting to cash in their dollars for actual gold for many reasons, and the resulting exchanges were beginning to have negative impacts on the US economy, including significant inflation.

Nixon decided to stop the exchange of gold for dollars at the established rate at this point, to protect the US economy etc.
[] Smells like pretension and slave labor
[] Ok but it sounds like you're the one onto something and it's marijuana
[] He just doesn't like having sequels in his roles apparently. He generally tries to either get single movie roles or have his character killed off. Han was supposed to die in the Carbonite, but Lucas convinced him to come back for one more movie.

The only reason he took the Force Awakens role was because they promised he would die.
[] I don't think my has changed in about 15 years. I listened to rap when it was cool to listen in middle school lol.
[] I'm seeing a hint of E.T. as well.
[] Front desk at a hotel in Aspen. Spanish speaking dude asked me if I "knew where to get any...." then made a snorting sound..."you know?"

I did not.

Came back later and said he wanted to sleep with me...oddest guest ever
[] Lmao.

They made claims they couldn't back up, and I called them on their bullshit.

But yeah, sure, I "lost" because a bunch of bigoted idiots downvoted me.
[] Haha love town of Salem, would be a top game if the community wasn't so toxic
[] I didn't catch your name on the other post! I'd been awake barely ten minutes when I started reading my reply tab.

Never understood the hatred of spiders people have (unless they live in Australia and such... that's completely understandable). And then they fly spray the house. Let the spiders live and you'll have fewer flies!
[] of course. doesn't change the fact that some people who actually did live abroad, worked abroad or had holiday homes abroad voted leave.
[] That's actually not as bad as I would have guessed.
[] That was a private event by some backwards parents and isn't condoned by the government education system in any form.
[] Blackbird.
[] Please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't tarrifs set by the importing country? And since the UK is now a strong and independant woman country it can chose to not put tarrifs on anything and import all the goods they want for the same price as before.

It's only the exports and permissions to offer services abroad they have no control over.
[] "Ahhh Mr. Wang, look at these redditors! We are reaching frontpage again with these fake pranks!"
[] Selena Gomez, I love you like a love song baby.
[] It also might lose you your job. The problem is that the power of labor is at a pretty low point right now. If we are going to have the job safety that we want unions and regulatory agencies need to become stronger.
[] Mysterious Charge ---> Disposal Fee
