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20 Amazing New Uses For Used Everyday Items

2017-01-14 3 Dailymotion

Recycling and reusing our everyday items with these life hacks is one of the best ways to help reduce global waste. Let's help the planet with these 20 amazing new uses for used everyday items!

Featuring... Old Newspaper - While many believe that newspapers are a thing of the past, lots of people still prefer reading news on print media. Old Make-up Brush - Do you have an old make-up brush? Alright, maybe the guys done but anyways... Before you trash it, try to use it for cleaning dust out of your computer keyboard. Most make up brushes have fine tips, making it a great tool for cleaning small and hard to reach places. Pool Noodles - Pool noodles are cheap, and most people often trash them after getting worn out. Before you do that, you might want to breathe new life into these things. Used Lotion Bottle - Looking for a sneaky way to hide your valuables? All you need is an empty lotion bottle where you can put your keys, cellphone, money, and anything of value. Whether you're at home or at the beach, would-be robbers wouldn't think about stealing a worthless lotion bottle! You can try it with any old cosmetics container, just, obviously make sure its not transparrent. Plastic Bottles - Plastic bottles are often discarded at home. Before you do that, try to do this simple life hack. Clean the empty bottle and remove the bottom part - now you have a funnel that you can use for changing oil in your car, or storing liquid products in containers! Toilet Paper Tubes - They may look simple but these things have a plethora of great uses. For example, messy cords and items like pens are a common sight in storage boxes. If you're sick and tired of this mess, you can always make your life better with toilet paper tubes. Pringles Can - Who doesn’t love Pringles? It’s a great snack for all ages, and you can still keep leftovers fresh with its container. If you love to cook pasta, an empty Pringles can make a good storage place for spaghetti noodles! Old Lipstick - Before you dispose old broken lipsticks , put them into good use by turning them into a lip balm. Scoop up the rest of the lipstick and put it in a microwave bowl. Tissue Boxes - Having a problem with messy plastic bags in your kitchen? Get an empty tissue box and use it for storing grocery and plastic bags! Aside from having a mess-free kitchen, you can also have a plastic bag dispenser that you can use the next time you visit the grocery store. Old Credit Cards - Did you know that credit cards make excellent guitar picks? These cards are not as flimsly as cardboards, and they’re not as hard as metal sheets. Aside from using scissors, you can make guitar picks out of these cards with specialized guitar pick cutters too! Old Ketchup Bottles - Everyone loves to eat pancakes in the morning. Make pancake-making less troublesome with the use of ketchup bottles! Before you throw them out, clean these bottles and use them as pancake batter dispensers. Tictac Containers - If you’re having problems with storing small items in a box you can use tic-tac containers to keep hair clips, pins, and buttons, nice and tidy! Shoe Holder - Shoe holders do wonders in organizing stuff at home. In fact, you can even use them as car organizers. Say goodbye to a messy car with this amazing organizing hack! Old Toothbrush - Keep your corn hair-free with the use of an old toothbrush. It also makes a great cleaning tool for other household items like shoes, bathroom tiles, and kitchen appliances. Old Mouse Pad - Old mouse pads can be used as a trivet if you don’t have one. They are great insulators of heat, keeping your coasters nice and clean. Just don’t use one that has a plastic surface – make sure that the mousepad is made out of rubber materials. Old Cork - Are you getting annoyed with the noise coming from kitchen drawers? If you are, all you need to do is find an old cork, slice them into thin pieces, and stick them behind the doors of kitchen drawers. Have a noise-free kitchen with this simple cork hack! Used Straw - Go for transparent, or any colored straw that goes perfectly with the flowers, or vase you have. Shower Curtain Hooks - This is probably because you’re always hanging heavy objects. If you need to hang heavier items such as bags and purses, try to use shower curtain hooks. Muffin/Cupcake Tins - This is another way to organize items in storage boxes or drawers. If you have muffin or cupcake tins that can’t be used for cooking anymore, make them useful for storage purposes. Craft lovers will definitely love this ingenius way of storing and organizing items. Old CDs and CD Holders - If you have old CDs lying around, you can help save the environment by turning them into cool coasters.