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Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers - Royal Navys Largest Warship, EVER !!!

2017-09-17 4 Dailymotion

HMS Queen Elisabeth Carrier \r
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In 2007 UK was looking at replacing old Invincible class Carriers, which at the time where the mainstay of the Royal Navy. \r
3 small fleet carriers were ordered in late 70s, with first entering service in early 1982, in time for Falklands War. \r
A replacement for all 3 carriers was sought, but due post-Cold War defence cuts, only halfway solutions in form of civilian built HMS Ocean. \r
Invincible class lacked the capability of much larger French and US carriers, this became very evident in 2003 Gulf War, when Royal Navy couldnt really participate with any of the carriers in support of its troops. \r
After lengthy re-design of new class, Queen Elisabeth class aircraft carriers were ordered by then Labour Government of Tony Blair. \r
Two carriers are complete change of dynamics and capability for the Royal Navy. With only a single QE carrier being more capable than all 3 Invincible put together. \r
However such capability didnt come cheap. Originally budget, the two carriers would have cost in the region of £3.5 billion. However due to constant delays and overruns and issues with the suppliers, both carriers are projected to cost astronomical £8.2 billion or $10.2 billion. \r
A significant increase on the original price, something that might have baring on future and how these carriers are deployed. \r
Brexit or UKs exit out of the EU, will complicate matters somewhat. The final cost might be even greater, estimated at £10.2 billion or even more if sterling loses more value against US$ and the €.\r
With Scotlands likely departure from United Kingdom and Northern Irish issue at loggerheads, it is questionable if whats left of the UK, can afford to maintain both carriers, in f a single carrier might prove significant burden on stretched RNs resources. \r
Without a doubt these carriers after Ford and Nimitz class carriers are most capable carriers in the world, capable of supporting large naval operations thousands of miles away, with a carrier air group consisting upwards of 40 or even 50 aircraft and helicopters.