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The Sims 4 Update - Ghosts, Death Flower, Ambrosia, & Star Wars!

2017-10-22 20 Dailymotion

The Sims 4 Update for October new (FREE)\r
Ghosts, Death Flower, Ambrosia, Star Wars, Ghastly Ghostly Gnome, Debug Cheat, & even more\r
Screenshots & close-ups\r
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The Sims 4 Update Trailer\r
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Ghost & other update news\r
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An easy way to get children\r
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My Sims 4 Update videos\r
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November new Update - Pools, Swimwear, Death by Drowning, & New Interions!\r
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December new Update - Business & Athlete Careers, Holiday DLC & Move Objects On!\r
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The Sims 4 Patch Notes\r
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The New\r
Ghosts! Ready to go and in your game, just jump in and start killing your Sims! Well, I mean, you can… nicely kill them? Or just lock them in a room for a couple days, um, without any food or water. Thats one way to do it, but will take a while so if youre really impatient maybe just set them on fire. Oh, this isnt going well. Look, if you happen to see a ghost, however he or she got there, and we arent judging, then you can experience all new interions like “Ghost Scare,” “Ghost Repair,” or “Pass Through”, new whims, and new behaviors as they float happily, angrily, or howeverily about!\r
• When a Sim dies, they become a non-playable ghost\r
• Use the “Invite to Household” interion to make a ghost into fully playable member of your household!\r
• Ghosts can have relationships, get married, woohoo, hold jobs, build aspirations, earn traits, or just be!\r
• Ghosts have a unique post life experience based upon how they died…\r
- Sims that died by hunger seek to satisfy their hunger in the after life\r
- Sims that died by overexertion and old age find they prefer to take it easy in the afterlife\r
- Sims that died by fire have a new interion available to them… my advice, try and not make them angry\r
- Sims that died by an emotional death can radiate their emotion onto other Sims\r
- Sims that died by electrocution, when angry, have a unique interion to break electronic devices. They also seem to really enjoy the “Hand Buzzer” social.\r
- Sims that died by Cowplant have the desire to harm and help the plant world. They can cause plants to die when in a negative emotion, but will care for plants when in a positive emotion.\r
• Ghosts can possess objects, and they can repair broken objects when possessed\r
• Ghosts have new interions available to them, such as Ghost Scare, Pass Through, and Talk About Death\r
• Level 10 Gourmet cooks have a new recipe “Ambrosia”, which can be used to bring a Ghost to life (or give a Sim renewed life)!\r
• There is a new gardening flower type, the Deathflower, which can be used by a Sim to save themselves or another when visited by the Reaper!\r
Before you go out hunting for ghosts, why not head into Create A Sim where you can find some incredible costumes from the Star Wars universe! How can you go wrong with a Yoda child ghost Sim in a Happy mood sitting on a rooftop balcony looking down upon a young adult who has just completed some sort of epic universe saving event? You cant. Yoda, Leia, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader costumes await you in Create a Sim!\r
With the addition of ghosts, even the gnomes are not safe from the call of the Netherworld. “The Ghastly Ghostly Gnome” has scared his way into your Build catalog, eagerly awaiting a place in your home!\r
Cheats / Assets\r
• We have added a cheat to show hidden objects, such as the ponds, channel specific stereos for venue use, and many other items. Open up the cheat console ([CTRL]+[SHFIT]+[C]) and type “bb.showhiddenobjects”. You can use the Build Filter pane to find the Debug objects under the Content drop down.\r
• 5 new eye colors! Dark blue, dark blue hazel, gray brown hazel, olive green hazel, and purple! Create a Sim, go NOW!\r
• A new Spooky station can be found on your stereos! Its scary how good the music is! Itll BOOm… your boxes. Its funnier if you make the “m” silent in that last one.\r
• A new Create a Sim clock speed cheat allows you to speed up and slow down your Sims animation in Create a Sim. Use the cheat by typing “cas.clockspeed [0-10]” in the cheat console window. 0 is pause, 10 is not!\r
More information in the patch notes above\r
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