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S. Korea's Blue House 'was informed' of activities involving N. Korean, Chinese leaders

2018-03-29 8 Dailymotion

And a senior member of the Chinese government is coming to Seoul this morning for a meeting with President Moon Jae-in.
Beijing's special presidential envoy will be briefing the South Korean leader on the recent summit between Chinese President Xi Jinping and North Korea's Kim Jong-un.
Hwang Hojun reports.

The Blue House has confirmed that Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi will visit Seoul on Thursday morning to brief South Korea on the outcome of President Xi Jinping's summit with Kim Jong-un.

"Visiting South Korea tomorrow morning will be Yang Jiechi, a Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of China's Communist Party and special envoy of President Xi Jinping. During his stay, he will meet with President Moon's National Security Adviser, Chung Eui-yong, and pay a visit to President Moon Jae-in."

Also expected to take place are discussions about the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and various other pending issues.
The Blue House said it will be similar to when President Moon's two envoys to Pyongyang and Washington briefed China about their trip earlier this month.
The South Korean Presidential Office said President Moon was briefed about a flurry of activity involving Kim Jong-un and the Chinese leader while he was on his official visit to the UAE this week.
Publicly, speculation about which high-level North Koreans were in Beijing continued until the meeting was confirmed on Wednesday by the Chinese government.
The White House said it was briefed on the meeting by China on Tuesday.
The Blue House confirmed it was also briefed by the Chinese government, but refused to clarify the exact date when they learned about the trip.
Hwang Ho-jun, Arirang News.