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Naturist massage paris

2018-04-23 113 Dailymotion

Naturist massage paris

The CNIBIB is scheduled to meet with Matignon and the Ministry of the Economy in the near future and will provide information after this date. naturist massage paris

Today, the CNAIB recommends that you give up modeling for massage, as long as clarification on this piece of legislation is not given to me. naturist massage paris

In the event of a problem, the CNAIB will continue to provide answers to physiotherapists in general, and you could, if things go as far as complaints and legal action, contact the CNAIB, which will direct you to two specialized lawyers. naturist massage paris

Saying after a massage: "I thought he loved me" can generate either a tender and benevolent smile or a kind of suspicion ... A-your right to love? Is it possible to massage too well? The question sounds stupid, and yet … naturist massage paris

If everyone dreams of love, to the point of withering when it is lacking, in fact, very few people instantly support that someone who does not belong to their close entourage, pronounces these very simple words: "I t 'love". naturist massage paris

This paradox between need and refusal is simply fueled by the fear of the possible consequences of this acceptance and by an indescribable questioning concerning the motivations of the one who gives, all the more exacerbated if the person himself is not capable of it. naturist massage paris

This worry may even turn into a mental or emotional nightmare when the person receiving this last question comes up: naturist massage paris

Why does he love me? I did not ask for anything ... "whereas the moment before and the one after, it is this only wish which will hammer it without stop if it does not find resonance. naturist massage paris

These reflections remind me of the first demonstration I made live at the Congress of Aesthetic News, 25 years ago, where I used, for a facial massage with four hands, a song by Piaf that is entitled: "The right to love" whose words are edifying: "In love, we need tears, In love, we must give" … naturist massage paris

Many singers or poets have taken up this theme, but I have a preference for Florent Pagny's song "Savoir aimer" which I invite you to listen to again by replacing the word "to love" by "to touch" and you will understand why it is one of my creeds. Whether you like the singer or not, I really advise you to do this experiment. naturist massage paris

You will also understand why I entitled "My creed" the poem that you can find in my book (30 000 kilometers on the hands) or on my site: naturist massage paris

"If I love 'enough", compression of these three sentences which are always for me the fundamentals of the technique of Artistic Massage: I have massaged, if I like to massage, and if I like enough. All is said naturist massage paris