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N. Korea invites 8 journalists from S. Korea to witness closure of nuclear test site

2018-05-15 7 Dailymotion

北 "핵실험장 폐기의식에 남한에서 통신•방송기자 각 4명씩 초청"

Eight journalists from South Korea will be invited to the closure of North Korea's Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site next week.
Seoul's Unification Ministry was informed by Pyongyang that it will allow four reporters from a wire news agency,... and four from a television broadcaster to witness the event.
After receiving their respective visas from the North Korean embassy in China, the invited members of the press will take a chartered flight from Beijing with other foreign media,... to the coastal town of Wonsan next Tuesday on May 22nd.
They will then be transported by train to Punggye-ri,... before returning home on either May 26th or May 27th.