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Korean small business owners protest minimum wage hike

2018-08-29 0 Dailymotion

소상공인, 오늘 광화문 거리로…`최저임금 총궐기`

Small business owners and the self-employed from across the country are holding a rally demanding changes to the government's minimum wage hike.
Since 4 p.m. local time, around 30-thousand people, including 10-thousand from the Korea Federation of Micro Enterprise, are taking part in a protest at Gwanghwamun Square in downtown Seoul.
The Moon Administration raised the minimum wage by more than 16 percent at the start of this year, the biggest jump since 2001, and has decided to raise it another 10-point-nine percent next year.
That would make it 8-thousand-350 Korean won an hour, or about seven-and-a-half U.S. dollars.
Last week, the government announced support measures for those adversely affected by the change, including lower credit card service charges and higher subsidies.