S. Korean researchers to end on-site inspections of N. Korea's western rail line on Wed.

2018-12-04 2 Dailymotion

통일부 "철도조사 경의선 조사단 내일 귀환"... 동해선 조사는 8일부터

Let's start things off with the latest in Seoul and Pyeongyang's cross-border railway project.
A group of South Korean researchers will wrap up inspections... of North Korea's western Gyeongui rail line tomorrow,... and return home in the afternoon.
Another team from Seoul will cross the border on Saturday,... for a survey of the eastern Donghae rail line this time.
South Korean train cars being used for the inspections... will move to the city of Wonsan in the North,... where they'll stay linked up with the regime's locomotives and train cars.
Regarding concerns over the security of resources in the train cars like oil,... Seoul emphasized the two Koreas are conducting the project upon a foundation of trust... and that locking devices are also in place.
The joint survey of North Korea's railways began last Friday,... and the entire process is expected to be completed by December 17th.