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Jorge Rafael Videla - Greetings on the eve of Christmas 1977

2019-04-18 12 Dailymotion

Bs. As .: The President of the Nation, Lieutenant General Jorge Rafael Videla entertains many people and government authorities, probably in the courtyard of the Casa Rosada on the eve of Christmas. He then delivers a speech where he mentions: "Presided over by the celebration of Christmas, I wanted to bring you together in order to formally and personally express my cordial greeting and desire for future happiness." These parties have a purely family meaning because through them the birth of the child God is evoked, a fact that attracts attention from the family, it moves me in this meeting to serve the family meeting to do with you a reflection, this date means a year that ends inexorably, a year that It starts is a favorable date for the balance ". (Magnetic / ambient sound)
Date: 12/20/1977
Duration: 1 minute 6 seconds
Film code: B-10519

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