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Jorge Rafael Videla attends ceremony at Edificio Libertador 1977

2019-06-07 8 Dailymotion

Bs. As .: The central act of the army, on the occasion of the national holiday, is held in the Libertador Building, headquarters of the Commander in Chief of the Force. The persistent drizzle, before starting the act, made the ceremony that Lieutenant General Jorge Rafael Videla presided; the Head of the General Staff of Division Roberto Eduardo Viola; and the second Chief of Staff, Brigadier General José A. Vaquero, had to be inside the building. In the General San Martin Hall of Honor, on the ground floor, the superior and subordinate personnel were placed in that room, while the gangs and the personnel of the Infantry Regiment I Patricians, occupied the entrance hall. The flag bearer of the Infantry Regiment I Patricians entered with his escort to the hall of honor and then, the national anthem was chanted, chanted by the assistants, among whom were numerous senior retired officers, such as the former Secretary of War, General of Division Héctor Solanas Pacheco and the former Commanders-in-Chief, Lieutenant General Pascual A. Pistarini, Julio Rodolfo Alzogaray, Jorge Raúl Carcagno and Alberto Numas Laplane. After the country song, the flag of the historic unit is removed.
Reference: General views of an act held in the Libertador Building, on the occasion of celebrating a new anniversary of the Fatherland Day. General views of a flag bearer of the Patricios Infantry Regiment I entering the hall with the escorts. Close-ups of Lieutenant General Videla presiding over the ceremony. Brief sequences of the moment where they sing the stanzas of the national anthem. Close-ups of Major General Roberto Eduardo Viola standing to the right of President Videla. (Magnetic / Ambient sound)
Date: 5/25/1977
Duration: 2 minutes 5 seconds
Film code: B-07827

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