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Facebook Prospecting for Affiliate Marketing and The Funniest Story...

2019-06-07 0 Dailymotion

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Hey, today I'm going to be talking about Facebook prospecting for affiliate marketing and a very funny story about the wrong way to prospect for this business.

Before I got started in affiliate marketing I was involved in a few network marketing companies and even used the telephone to sale network marketing training to people in the business.

We could call people with a script and say something like I see your a fellow network marketer. If I could honestly show you a way to put 20-30 people a week into your business every week would that be worth 30 minutes of your time to find out how to do that?

Mostly, they would say that is complete bullshit, but how do you do that?

The same process happens today. You see ads on YouTube and the first that comes to my mind is John Crestani who shows you a stack of $10,000 cash.

The point is people are insanely lazy. If your offer is weak, people may not want to stop what they are doing to check you out.

The marketing process is AIDA. A is for attention you have to grab someone's attention, then generate interest and desire and the last is them to take action.

Interest is logical and desire is more emotional.

With Facebook there are 2 ways just using a regular account that you can prospect for affiliate marketing. The first way is in your feed and the second is with messenger. Instagram and groups are a whole other topic.

I'll start with messenger. First you have to be friends with people to message them. What I do is ask questions. I'll say Hi John, what internet job do you do? If they say affiliate marketing I'll ask how is your business going?

Then I'll ask are you interested in an easier way to make money with your affiliate business? Most people say yes.

Then I'll send the to a video that shares my personal story about what I'm offering. To me spam is just shoving your pitch to people whether they want it or not. Asking questions it's just way better.

The second way to prospect with Facebook is in the feed and you got to be careful with this. You can't put your affiliate link or any link in the feed because nobody will see it.

What I do is use a shortening service called bitly. And put a space between the dot ly and the bit and this makes the link not clickable. Then right next to it I usually will say remove the space to create the link.

Before the link I will write out a story. The story involves someone's pain and frustration and how my product solved that pain usually.

Then a call to action and the link below. Stories grab our attention and if you click on the link below or go to my website you will see an example of this.

It's not boring, which is what you don't want.

Before I let you go I got to tell you of this insanely funny story of someone who is an affiliate marketer. What this person did was put out a lot