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S. Korean PM expects Wonju Enterprise City to be key contributor to health industry

2019-11-06 1 Dailymotion

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon has vowed to do his utmost for the success of the brand new Wonju Enterprise City, a complex newly opened on Wednesday... for the biohealth and medical sectors.
Here he is speaking at the opening ceremony.
"Various medical, bio health complexes will be brought into the town, allowing people in the town to research, reside and enjoy cultural facilities.
The Wonju Enterprise City will definitely help the growth of Wonju city and contribute to the development of South Korea's health care industry."
Prime Minister Lee said the biohealth industry is one of the projects the Moon Jae-in administration plans to focus on, and that the government will exempt the city from some regulations to help it grow.
The government has been working to build the city since 2008, investing some 430 million U.S. dollars.