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Sinkhole swallows up public bus in China

2020-01-14 45 Dailymotion

XINING, CHINA — Anyone else getting a sinking feeling in your stomach? Oh that's just the entire road collapsing.

On January 13, a road in Xining, China suddenly opened up and swallowed half of a public bus while waiting for passengers to get on.

Footage from Chinese social media shows people fleeing the scene as soon as the road begins to give way. Some bystanders tried to help passengers escape, but as the sinkhole got bigger they all said screw it and just ran away instead.

After that, an explosion is seen occurring at the front of the bus. It's unclear what caused the blast.

According to Sina News, 15 people are injured while 10 are missing. Authorities say they will continue searching for those missing and will investigate the cause of the incident.

Just last month, two giant sinkholes, one in Guangzhou and the other in Xiamen, appeared over underground railways that were under construction in China.
For the Guangzhou subway, three people actually went missing while in Xiamen the sinkhole gobbled up passing vehicles.