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Trump announces victory against COVID-19, White House staff start to wear face masks

2020-05-12 10 Dailymotion

결국 마스크로 뒤덮인 백악관…트럼프만 안 쓰고 "승리했다"

Trump administration officials spent the weekend scrambling after two staffers tested positive for coronavirus, bringing the pandemic closer to President Donald Trump even as he works to reopen parts of the country.
On Monday, staffers were advised in a memo they would be required to wear a face covering when entering the West Wing... all but President Trump himself.
Our Kim Sung-min reports. It was an unusual scene at the White House's coronavirus press briefing on Monday local time where most officials in attendance were wearing face masks.
This follows the vice president's spokeswoman, Katie Miller, testing positive for COVID-19 last week.
When asked whether such measures were a requirement set by the President himself, Trump said 'yes'.
However, while almost everyone was wearing a mask, including the White House press secretary and the senior adviser,...President Donald Trump was not.
"So obviously, in my case, I'm very far away from everyone. But if you look at all of those people over there, every one of them, from what I see, these are White House staffers, they're White House representatives, they're White House executives. And everybody has a mask on."
During the press conference, Trump continued to display strong confidence in the U.S.' COVID-19 countermeasures, paying particular attention to the country's testing ability.
He said, the U.S. will have conducted 10 million tests in total by the end of this week, which is a larger number per capita than countries like South Korea, the United Kingdom and Japan.
He also declared victory against the virus.
"We have met the moment and we have prevailed. Americans do whatever it takes to find solutions, pioneer breakthroughs and harness the energies we need to achieve a total victory."
Regarding the spread of COVID-19 within the White House, Trump added that he does not think the system has broken down at all... claiming that one person has tested positive and that they will be "absolutely fine."
Kim Sung-min, Arirang News