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2020-09-17 20 Dailymotion

Sometime millions of years ago during the course of bipedal humanoid evolution here on Our Sister Earth a side-branch of Beings emerged who are referred to as the Rh Null Golden Bloodline.

The Rh Null Golden Bloodline are an Ancient group of Rh Negative Celestial Starseeds whom decided millions of years ago to live reclusively, patiently waiting for the Rh Positive population of humanity to self-annihilate, in order for the Golden Bloodline to become sole inheritors of this Third Dimensional Realm.

Rh Nulls are one of the rarest bloodlines of Celestial Starseed Beings. Blood is considered to be Rh Null if it lacks all of the possible antigens that are listed within the Rh system.

INSTAGRAM & TWITTER: @chiokejelani