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EU to impose tariffs on U.S. imports in Boeing case from Tuesday

2020-11-10 15 Dailymotion

EU, 미국 제품에 보잉 보복관세 부과 승인

The long running trade dispute between the EU and the U.S. moved into a new phase as EU trade ministers agreed to impose tariffs on American goods over support for the plane maker Boeing.
For more on this and other news around the world we turn to our Lee Kyung-eun.
Kyung-eun what's the latest?
Mok-yeon, the European Union has agreed to impose tariffs and penalties on some 4 billion dollar's worth of American products,... starting Tuesday.
The move is retaliation against the U.S.,... over illegal subsidies paid to the airplane maker Boeing.
The member nations made the decision on Monday,... following the World Trade Organization's approval of the tariffs last month.
"Regrettably, in spite of our best efforts, due to the lack of progress from U.S. side (on resolving the U.S.-EU dispute over civil aviation subsidies), we can confirm that European Union will later today exercise our rights and impose countermeasures awarded to us by the WTO (World Trade Organization) in respect of Boeing."
Last year, the U.S. imposed tariffs on European products including wine, cheese and whiskey,.. in a parallel case concerning illegal EU subsidies for Airbus.
The trade dispute dates back to 2004,... when both sides accused each other of illegally supporting their respective airspace giants.