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Netanyahu Is Ousted as Israel's Prime Minister After 12-Year Run

2021-06-14 116 Dailymotion

Netanyahu Is Ousted , as Israel's Prime Minister After 12 Years.
Benjamin Netanyahu's term as
Israel's prime minister was the longest
in the short history of the nation.
Naftali Bennett defeated Netanyahu
by the slimmest of margins with a
confidence vote of 59 to 60. .
Naftali Bennett defeated Netanyahu
by the slimmest of margins with a
confidence vote of 59 to 60. .
He is the leader of the Yamina party,
a right-wing organization that holds a meager
seven seats in Israel's Knesset, the country's parliament.
But he will oversee a coalition government
made up of his party, centrists and,
for the first time, Arab parties.
Bennett was sworn in as prime minister on
Sunday, amidst boos and jeers from members
of Netanyahu's exiting party, Likud.
Bennett was sworn in as prime minister on
Sunday, amidst boos and jeers from members
of Netanyahu's exiting party, Likud.
Twice in history, we have lost our national home precisely because the leaders of the generation were not able to sit with one and another and compromise. , Naftali Bennett, Prime Minister of Israel, via CNN.
Each was right, yet with all their being right, they burnt the house down on top of us. I am proud of the ability to sit together with people with very different views from
my own, Naftali Bennett, Prime Minister of Israel, via CNN.
U.S. President Joe Biden congratulated Bennett
during a phone call with the new prime minister.
In a public statement,
Biden did not mention Netanyahu and stated that
he looks forward to collaborating with Bennett.
Referring to the
new government
as "weak," Netanyahu
stated, "we'll be back soon."