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The Deep State declared war on the Trump Presidency and overrode our democracy: Glenn Greenwald on Tucker Carlson Tonight 9/3/2021

2021-09-04 36 Dailymotion


The very first article I wrote before Trump was even inaugurated in January 17, 2017 was headlined, “the Deep State Goes to War with the Elected President.” The fact that we have a Deep State, that the US media was cheering, they were thrilled that these generals they were heralding as heroes for ignoring Trump's orders, for keeping classified information away from him, for manipulating him, for subverting his decisions, they were cheering these generals as saving us from our elected leader, which is the definition of a Deep State at the same time as they were calling anyone who was pointing out that we have a Deep State unhinged, crazy, conspiracy theorist. That to me is the most dangerous development of the last five years is that unelected generals, intelligence operatives, arrogated into themselves, while the media cheered, the power to override our democracy whenever they thought that it was in our best interest to do so.