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Water-Powered Car Tackles Global Warming Israeli inventor Da

2010-02-05 1,601 Dailymotion

Israeli inventor Danny Garkovich developed a device that allows his car to produce hydrogen. His car is now eco-friendly and runs more efficiently.

[Danny Garkovich, Inventor]:
"The idea was to do something to contribute a grain of sand to help stop the effect of global warming, this is where it began. The second thing is that I drive to Ben Gurion University every day because that's where I work and I wanted to see how I could save some fuel because it is quite a distance and I wanted to save on gas."

The vehicle uses a diesel engine to produce the electricity needed to extract hydrogen from water.

[Danny Garkovich, Inventor]:
"By creating an electric current flow between the electrodes what we are essentially doing is extracting hydrogen from the water and we then use the flammable gas to help power the vehicle."

While Garkovich helps the environment, he also saves money. His vehicle uses 35 percent less diesel than before. The addition of hydrogen to the air intake makes for much more efficient combustion, and this is what reduces the quantity of fuel required per stroke.

Although hydrogen is a highly combustible gas, Garkovich says it is less dangerous when produced "on-site" by electrolysis than if stored in a pressurized canister as all the gas is consumed immediately in the diesel engine.

Garkovich hopes his invention will hit mainstream society and be available for use in cars, buses, trucks and even in trains.

[Danny Garkovich, Inventor]:
"It is suitable for every kind of engine and the purpose is to use existing vehicles without changing or revolutionizing the mechanics of the engine because by the time the smart people at the car companies come up with their own inventions, neither you or I will be able to buy it. So for now we will make use in the simplest way of what nature provides for us."

The vehicle was put to the test and showed that it emitted almost no polluting gases. [...]