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Moblize 2010 - Nokia on Upcoming MeeGo Tablets

2010-10-01 20 Dailymotion

http://www.netbooknews.com Attending GigaOm's Mobilize we got to sit in on a few really great panels, discussions and presentations. One of the more entertaining presentations was when Tero Ojanperae, Nokia was interviewed by Om himself (in case you don't know the back story, Om is not pro Nokia, not even close). When Om asked if Nokia was going to be making a tablet running MeeGo we thought it would be interesting to put up the response. To entice you to watch the video he actually denies that MeeGo is high on their priority list but does admit that "we have to go more high-end where MeeGo will play a role". To hear the whole story enjoy the video.