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Loft Conversions - attic conversions

2010-10-11 149 Dailymotion

Recently it seems that demand for Loft Conversions in Hertfordshire has gone into overdrive. Never has there been more planning applications put in than there has been this month and last month (compared to the same period last year).
As I’ve mentioned in my previous articles the cost of moving is so high and stamp duty is unbelievable (and not looking like it’s going down anytime soon) that people are really concentrating on expanding the size of their properties. The most popular choice is at the moment seems to be loft conversions and kitchen extensions.
This can mean that your local loft conversion company has already taken on too much work. Small firms will often start lots of projects to ensure the customer is tied to them but will then drag out the job once you are stuck with them. They will then oscillate between all their angry customers spraying promises and platitudes like riot police with a water canon trying to calm you down while turning a 12 week job into a 40 week job