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Indian Volleyball Player Thrown from Moving Train, Loses Leg

2011-04-15 337 Dailymotion

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An Indian National Volleyball player has had her leg amputated after robbers threw her out of a moving train. She had been trying to stop the robbers from taking her gold chain.

Indian National Volleyball player Sonu Sinha has undergone surgery to remove the rest of her injured leg.

Sinha was tossed out of a moving train as she resisted an attempted robbery in Uttar Pradesh in India. The incident took place in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

She had been trying to save her gold chain from robbers—who then pushed her out of the moving train during a scuffle. She landed on another track where her leg came under a train coming from the other direction.

She lay there bleeding for more than an hour and a half before she was spotted and rushed to a hospital.

[K. B. Nanda, Divisional Railway Manager]:
"This incident occurred at night and we did not come to know of it. If any passenger knew about this then he should have informed us about this incident. Had our department received some sort of information earlier then we would have surely taken some action."

The athlete underwent a critical surgery and her left leg was amputated.

[Supriya Aron, Bareilly City Mayor]:
"I appreciate Sonu for fighting back the robbers during the chain snatching. We [women] are a little weak on physical strength but that does not mean that anything can be done to us. I want strict laws to be formed and urge the railways to do something for the safety of women."

On Thursday, after the story made national headlines, the Indian Railway Board announced they would provide her with monetary compensation.