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Nurses of Government Hospitals on Strike in Western India

2011-04-28 207 Dailymotion

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Nurses at government hospitals in India's state of Maharashtra are on strike. They say they're not being paid well enough, or given the supplies they need to look after their patients properly.

Nurses in all government hospitals in India's Maharashtra state called for a one-day strike on Tuesday. They are demanding better working conditions, more pay, and for vacant posts to be filled.

The nurses say the government neglected to provide protective gear like gloves, masks and soap for nurses.

[Kasturi Kadam, Maharashtra Government Nurses Federation]:
"There is a scarcity of medical equipment and clothes needed for the service of patients. We have to ask the patients to buy the needed material from outside. We are facing a lot of problems in providing good service to the patients."

One nurse says that hospital authorities arranged for student nurses to look after the patients when the strike began.

[Renuka Saigorkar, Maharashtra Government Nurses Federation]:
"At the place of nurses on strike, the hospital authorities have arranged for student nurses. The student nurses are working and looking after the patients."

An indefinite strike may begin on June 27th if their demands are not met.