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Thai floods close in on Bangkok

2011-11-04 260 Dailymotion

It's getting closer by the hour... flood waters in Thailand have now crept into one of Bangkok's busiest areas.
Shopowners pack up their wares and head to higher ground.
The waters here are now as high as 50 centimetres.... and they don't seem to be going down.
Residents are relying on the government to step in.
"If the government handles it well, it should not be bad. But flooding like this will take a while. My house was flooded for nearly two weeks and the water level keep rising, not receding at all."
Some of the city's subway stations are inaccessible... buses and cars are plowing through flooded roadways.
Authorities plan to line up thousands of sandbags along the canal that runs into the heart of the capital to block off the water.
Local media say the government Flood Relief Centre has already been forced to move once due to encroaching waters... and that may happen again.
Julie Noce, Reuters