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PACE Expresses Concern over Democracy in Ukraine

2011-11-23 10 Dailymotion

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Recently, the Ukrainian government has come under fire for human rights violations and lack of democracy. Representatives from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe are preparing a report that addresses these issues.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, or PACE, is concerned about the state of democracy in Ukraine.

[Marietta de Purba-Lundin, Reporter of PACE on Ukraine]:
"When Ukraine joined the Council of Europe, it signed up for certain commitments and obligations that it has not yet fulfilled. As you know, the Council of Europe stands for democracy, rule of law and human rights. And that is why we are here now - to call on Ukraine to fulfill its commitments and obligations."

In January, PACE will present a report by the Monitoring Committee of Ukraine.

[Marietta de Purba-Lundin, Reporter of PACE on Ukraine]:
"This report will cover the criminal investigations of former government members, criminal justice reform, the independence of the judiciary and, of course, the electoral law."

PACE representatives also expressed concern over Ukraine's human rights violations by police, pre-trial detention, freedom of the press and peaceful assembly. And the fact that they were not allowed to meet with imprisoned ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

Despite its efforts in integrating with Europe, Ukraine faces criticism from Western politicians.

But the pro-government Party of Regions believes there are some positive changes in legislation and reforms, and Europe should not interfere with Ukraine's affairs.

The full report on Ukraine will be presented in 2013.

Ukraine has been a permanent member of PACE since November 9, 1995.

NTD News, Kyiv, Ukraine