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European Parliament Supports Tougher Sanctions Against Iran

2012-02-06 18 Dailymotion

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The European Parliament passed a resolution on Thursday supporting the new, tougher EU sanctions against Iran that are aimed at bringing the country to the negotiation table about its nuclear program. The Parliament demands that Iran stop its nuclear program and condemns its threat to close the Strait of Hormuz.

On Thursday, the European Parliament voted in support of new, tougher sanctions against Iran—including gradually banning imports of Iranian crude oil and freezing assets of the Iranian central bank in EU countries. The sanctions are aimed at brining Iran to hold negotiations about its nuclear program, as there's growing concern Iran could be developing nuclear weapons.

[Charles Tannock, Member of the European Parliament]:
“We have now found strong evidence that there is enriched uranium to at least 20% and maybe 50%, which is far higher level of enrichment than what you need for a civilian, peaceful nuclear power program. This is heading towards military grade uranium.”

The goal of the sanctions is also to get Iran to respect the United Nations Security Council resolutions and the orders from the International Atomic Energy Authority. Both have urged Iran to stop its uranium enrichment program. The sanctions are meant to target only the accountable elites of Iran and not the ordinary citizens.

[Ana Gomes, European Parliament Member]:
“On the other hand, we don't want the people of Iran to feel attacked by us. No, this is also for the people of Iran. We also had very clear, supportive message of solidarity, of concrete support on the part of the EU for the people who are fighting for human rights, for freedoms in Iran.”

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