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Dalian Police Arrests Dozens for Installing NTD Satellite Dishes

2012-07-13 42 Dailymotion

Police in China's northeastern Liaoning province arrested dozens of Falun Gong practitioners last Friday. According to Minghui.org, a U.S. based website that reports about Chinese regime's persecution of the spiritual practice, the arrests are linked to NTD's broadcast into China.

Minghui confirmed with NTD on Monday the mass arrest of Dalian residents. They had helped locals install satellite dishes to receive NTD's programming. At least one man was kidnapped on his way to installing a dish.

NTD's Vice President of Operations Samuel Zhou, says Chinese authorities are targeting NTD's programming. Since 2002, NTD has broadcasted uncensored news and information on China to audiences worldwide. These include human rights abuses, social issues, and political insights.

[Samuel Zhou, Vice President of NTD Operations]:
"The Chinese Communist Party has always been very scared of Chinese people obtaining free information. Because this is how they can escape the thought control imposed by the Party, and is a result that poses the biggest to the regime's power."

Zhou says Chinese authorities have also used other methods to disrupt NTD's programs and events.

[Samuel Zhou, Vice President of NTD Operations]:
"The [regime] also uses overseas channels to harass and threaten NTD sponsors...and stopping contestants from joining NTD's competition series aimed at promoting traditional Chinese culture."

Chinese lawyer Wei Liangyue says that even though Chinese authorities may object to NTD's programming, there is no legal basis to arrest those who install devices for watching NTD.

[Wei Liangyue, Chinese Lawyer]:
"The regime needs to provide a legal basis after the arrest, citing a law that's been broken, whether it's violating public safety laws, penal codes or something else, but I think none of these will be applicable in this case."

Minghui reports that the arrests were part of a coordinated effort. More than 40 people were taken, many by force from their homes.

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