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How Dangerous Is Electromagnetic Radiation? (Radiation Meters)

2012-12-04 63 Dailymotion


What characteristic is shared by an electric blanket, a power line, and a broadcast tower?

All three emit electromagnetic radiation.

These invisible electromagnetic fields are known as EMFs. They are generated by currents running through electric wires. Since they are not powerful and destructive like nuclear or X-ray radiation, they were once thought to be harmless. However, studies have suggested that people exposed to them chronically run a higher risk of certain health problems, including miscarriages, learning disabilities, and cancer.

No clear cause-and-effect relationship has been established between EMFs and illnesses, but the mounting evidence makes EMFs appear to be extremely suspicious. And because EMFs are generated by many sources -- including microwave ovens, televisions and radios, military radar systems, and, ironically, some treatments for cancerous tumors -- many of us could be at risk.

Studies over the last 15 years have hinted at a connection between EMFs and health problems. EMFs have been implicated in behavioral changes, birth defects, memory loss, and Alzheimer's disease. In 1976, two doctors at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Syracuse, N.Y. showed that the offspring of mice exposed to extremely low-frequency EMFs from power lines were born stunted.

In their attempts to establish a cause-and-effect connection between EMF exposure and health problems, scientists have been trying to uncover just what effect EMFs have on the body. One theory is that EMFs of certain frequencies disrupt the normal role of calcium in the brain. Another theory says that EMFs affect how cells grow and reproduce. A third belief holds that EMFs make cells manufacture proteins they normally would not reproduce.

Researchers who believe in the EMF-illnesses connection have their critics. These skeptics emphasize that there is no proven cause-and-effect link between EMF exposure and cancer. At a Florida state government hearing on power line emission standards, Philip Cole, MD, an epidemiologist (a researcher who studies the occurrence and control of a disease) at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, emphasized this absence of proof. Without a proven connection, Cole asserted, "There is no relationship between EMFs and cancer in human beings, or if there is an effect it must be of very low magnitude, even among people who are moderately to heavily exposed."
