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Social Media Marketing Essentials for the Small Business 6 -Persistence

2013-04-04 4 Dailymotion


Persistence OR "Persistence wears down resistance."
If you're in sales or marketing I'm sure you've noticed the modern consumer's resistance to sales. The fact is that everyone loves to buy, but no one loves to be sold.
From the moment they wake to radio commercials timed specifically to run during the most common wake up times, to the end of the day as they are surfing the net with its persistent banners, pop-ups, sidebar ads and attention diverting headlines, the modern consumer is consistently assaulted by sales people and marketing materials designed to separate them from their hard earned money and they KNOW it. It is only natural for the consumer to try and protect their investment so they naturally develop what we call ASR, automatic sales resistance.
The moment they become consciously aware that someone is trying to sell them something, the automated switching mechanism in their heads flips to the "scrutinize heavily" position.
Statistically speaking the average consumer needs to see your company's name 7 times before they're curious enough to click. If you are unknown to them your efforts will most likely be waved away in favor of their news feed and pictures of cousin Emma's precious new Rottweiler puppy. Though the puppy is truly precious, he has no desire to put food on your family's table or refer his friends to your business.
The number 1 tool to combat ASR in the social spaces is persistence. Persistence wears down resistance. Just as consistently dripping water will eventually wear away the highest mountain, so will your persistent efforts in the social spaces wear away your target's ASR.
With this in mind it is absolutely vital that you post every single day.
If you're like the average, busy entrepreneur, you may be thinking to yourself what a pain it will be to add one more daily task to your already unmanageable schedule, so here are a few tips to help you.
1. I unashamedly say, "Hire Woyster Media to manage your Social Media Marketing for you" We are incredibly passionate about small business, have a ridiculous amount of experience with sales, marketing, and growing small businesses, and will cost you many times less than hiring an in-house social media manager.
2. If option number one is not a possibility for you (I promise there are no hard feelings, we've all been there) then use a third party service to automate your posts. Facebooks Edge Rank system places less emphasis on automated posts, but follow the other guidelines you will find in our training videos and you will achieve the desired effect of growing a targeted audience.
3. Link your profiles. If you link your various social media profiles than you can affectively post to multiple platforms at the same time, saving you a TON of time while reaching a larger audience.
4. Outsource your posting. Though this is the least desirable option