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Social Media Marketing Essentials for the Small Business #2 - Be Eye Candy

2013-04-08 7 Dailymotion


Download you FREE copy of "The BIG Voice" Woyster Media's guide for social Media Marketing for the small business, filled with nearly 200 tips from the most basic to advanced social media marketers - http://eepurl.com/qN5cf

Marketing Essentials for the small business video number 1: Be Eye Candy
Keep your social media page looking attractive. This is a great way to not only attract more subscribers and viewers, but engage them during their visit. This will also give your visitors the impression that your company is more professional and pays more attention to quality.
Every small business on the planet is engaged in a price war from one degree to another, and there's ALWAYS another business owner out there whose willing to price themselves out of business faster than YOU. Giving your visitors the impression that you concentrate on quality is one way to lift yourself out of the price wars and command a higher price for your product or service.
Many business owners we talk to have tried in vain for a year or more to increase the likes to their Facebook fan pages. We take one look and immediately know half of their problem. Their timeline cover looks like an ugly road-side billboard with a phone number and a call to action plastered on it. Just like in the real world, their customers cruise right past it pausing just long enough to notice their pathetic 54 likes.
Engage your visitors with a cover that's pleasing to the eye and they'll linger longer giving you the opportunity to impress them with your knowledge, direct them to your special offer, or simply choose to hit the like button as a thank you for the few minutes of entertainment you've provided.
If neither you nor any of your employees are artistically inclined, you still have options. Keeping in mind it IS social media, people love to see pictures of your team, either in social settings or hard at work. This is a great way to engage your visitors.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE that there is real, tested, provable psychology behind the engagement factor of the human smile that I don't have time to go into in the video so, don't miss that tip, make sure their smiling.
Lastly, when all else fails, OUTSOURCE your backgrounds, and timeline cover. You can get quality timeline covers and backgrounds made very inexpensively on fiverr.com. If you've never been to fiverr, it's spell fiverr.com
Make all your profiles as pleasing or engaging as possible and you'll definitely do better with you social media efforts.