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Google CEO Has Vocal Cord Paralysis

2013-05-17 110 Dailymotion

Google's CEO has vocal cord paralysis.

Google’s CEO Larry Page has announced that he has vocal cord paralysis.

There had been speculation and media curiosity over his recent unwillingness to speak about his health condition.

He wrote a post on his Google plus page about his doctor’s diagnosis and his current condition.

A very bad cold he had 14 years ago damaged the nerves in one of his vocal cords, which caused him to have a softer sounding voice.

A similar ailment afflicted Page last summer, when concerns about his health started to arise.

Doctors have been unable to identify the exact cause of the paralysis, but speculate it could be related to the illness.

He is funding a research program through the Voice Health Institute for his rare condition.

Page wrote in his post: “Thankfully, after some initial recovery I’m fully able to do all I need to at home and at work, though my voice is softer than before, and giving long monologues is more tedious for me and probably the audience.”

In 2003, Page also suffered from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which is a chronic inflammation of the thyroid.